Jonathan, Katrina & Soren

Jonathan, Katrina & Soren
Jon and Katrina were married in May 2008. We live in Houston, TX. Katrina graduated from Utah State and plays the "SugaMama" role as Jon continues with his studies at U of H. We love getting lost and having all sorts of crazy adventures. Jon is nice and Katrina is honest. :) We are first time parents to Soren Idrios. He has bulldog cheeks! These are our stories.

Jon, my love!

Jon, my love!

Jon likes...

Mario Kart
English papers... :)
Funny Things
Wearing shorts on the weekends
Taco Night
His t-shirts with or without holes and
College Football



Kat Likes...

Soren Idrios
Making dinner
Cuddling on the "SofaSac"
Hiking and Camping
Fruit Snacks
Not having eye infections.
Lists :)
and JON of course!

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15 May 2010

this is why I Teach... For America.

Every statistic has a name.

Injustice and disservice are the opposite, and dare I say the enemy, of love and charity.

Contagion is not limited to smiles and illnesses, it extends infinitely in both directional spectra.

God loves all, ALL His children.

Humanity learns through examples and experiences... if none are given, how can we learn?

Please follow this link to learn more.


Amy said...

you should come teach in virginia... how's about 1st grade? That'd be awesome :0)
(I know one little girl that would love being in your class)

si tu veux said...

always amazing Katrina. Superwoman you are! I love you for loving as you TEACH, not preach. You are such an example. Thanks for your courage to share! LOVE YOU!

Liz said...

YOU are a GREAT teacher. You are making a difference! I love you my dear and you just continue to love all those children who need you.♥♥♥
Looks like a great film to see. Can we make all the government officials and then the parents who don't care see a special premier?
This next generation of children are not less intelligent, they are even smarter. They just need quality teachers and parents who education is a priority to them.
See I am the PREACHER!!!

LeShel said...

LOVE this post. Can't wait to see the movie. Although I fear it will only make me angry!!

Keep making a difference!

Liz said...

Breezing by to just say Hi and tell you that I love you! ♥♥♥

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