Jonathan, Katrina & Soren

Jonathan, Katrina & Soren
Jon and Katrina were married in May 2008. We live in Houston, TX. Katrina graduated from Utah State and plays the "SugaMama" role as Jon continues with his studies at U of H. We love getting lost and having all sorts of crazy adventures. Jon is nice and Katrina is honest. :) We are first time parents to Soren Idrios. He has bulldog cheeks! These are our stories.

Jon, my love!

Jon, my love!

Jon likes...

Mario Kart
English papers... :)
Funny Things
Wearing shorts on the weekends
Taco Night
His t-shirts with or without holes and
College Football



Kat Likes...

Soren Idrios
Making dinner
Cuddling on the "SofaSac"
Hiking and Camping
Fruit Snacks
Not having eye infections.
Lists :)
and JON of course!

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19 February 2008

To the World!!!

This is the place. Look at it. Its so beautiful. Everytime I look at it I get the chills. To think that on May 29th Katrina and I will be sealed to one another for time and all eternity. To begin our lives as one. To raise a family in the ways of the Lord. To be able to serve one another.
This my friends is what I think Love is all about. But there is one thing I must say and that is God really prepares us for our future. He knows what is best for us even if its not apart of our personal plans. I keep saying that I have been really blessed because Katrina is far better then what I could even dream of. Its true I'm one lucky guy. To be able to be next to her side. This is what I'm looking forward the most. Thank you all for your Love and Support for Katrina and I.


Katrina said...

You're so amazing! (sorry for the mush everyone, but it's true)

Mike said...

So sweet! I'm excited to have you as a part of our family.

LeShel said...

I am so glad that you are in love and no longer watching the rest of us, but I must warn you that you have NO proof that Kjel and I were mushy at any point in our relationship. It's your word against mine and we all know how long I can talk. I only share this with you so as to warn you about future blackmail. Love ya babe!!!

Liz said...

What a great man you are. I am glad that you fell in love with our daughter. You are the best she ever dreamed of.

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